Night Inspiration (quiet mix)

Release date
An attempt to re-make or , rather, replay a trance tune...
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.2 MB
Downloaded / played
1470 times
9 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • great different vision of my track , very rich and inspired sounds. beautiful. thanx for this remix Shytan !
  • sparschaeler
    can't write.... flying away in the dark cloudless sky.... stars above me...
  • very good work, intro, dynamic etc.. bravo
  • Paradox
  • Another nice "Jean Michel Jarre" sounding track. Flows well throughout although I know it may be a matter of taste but I'm not sure about the saw-tooth synth - whether it's quite right for this kind of track but none-the-less another crystal clear recording worthy of being pressed as commercial quality. Davey
  • in a big city i walk allone and listento the lights that come to me and tell me storys about old days, nice track here. but why did you not make it longer, add a kick and let the ppl danc to it? in the actuall form its sounds like a intro
  • Relaxing shytan-stuff! Thumbs up for this fine and detailed work!!
  • Damn! The pads at 5.17 are soooo great! Unfortunetely very short ...
  • Thanks for commenting, folks. To Schroeder: the pads are taken from the original track by Theodor, only I replaced Infector with the pad sample. So, it's not mine, but still very good.