Sojourner: Exploring the Surface (intro - WIP)
- Release date
- Author
- Genre
- Electronica
- Description
- This tune is based on an older setup of mine with some extra instruments introduced, samplework mostly... Oomek 3o3, mda ePiano, zynAddSubFx and Jeskola Noise – all sampled and played through MTrk. This is a work in progress track, so if you have any criticism, please let me hear it
PS. Greetings to all on the buzz (and non-buzz) tracking scene.
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 4.2 MB
- Downloaded / played
789 times
- Commented
5 times
- Rating
(4 votes)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)
- See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:
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If I make a discosmile and boost low and high frequencies to an almost extreme level, it only sounds good when I apply these settings with firesledge parametric eq: peak/notch: 134 Hz , -5.5 dB, Q: 1.25
In case this would be your final mix (which is not) I would apply these parametric eq settings. The bass probably conflicts with the bassdrum.
(nice to see I can also load .ogg files in buzz, makes this a lot faster)
anyway, it sounds very promising