Verticale Part I

Release date
Greetings to all, at least to those who ever read author's comments This time decided to write something different compared to what I usually do... This is a quiet, very downtempo kinda orchestral piece. First time I use TPB lower than 4 actually... May sound somewhat pretentious... In any case, couldn't have done it any better. The track is approx. 5 min. long, but try to listen to it without breaks... PEACE!
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
866.8 KB
Downloaded / played
1226 times
16 times
10 (5 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial (by-nc)

See also
Latest ambient tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • monoton
    like this peace, sounds like a try to make electro, orechtral mood, like vangelis and jarre, great work as ever by you
  • schröder
    This is a masterpiece, Master! Peace!! :o)
  • schröder
    ... and one of the few tracks of yours my PC plays without cpu-problems, thanks!!!
  • Shytan
    Thanks for those votes, dudes... To Schröder: there's a lot of sample playback in this mod and very little synthesis. On my Duron 900 - 40%, not more... Well, provided there are no noise bursts and crashes...
    what can i say. excellent. like aт electric symphony.
  • magmavander
    Un chef d'Oeuvre!!! Your songs have always a great 'space', I mean your use of Reverb and the panning of your stereo field are awesome. Very deep. I'm not logged in (and I'm lazy) but if I was, I would give you 10...
  • eltune
    I give a 10! this is the best 122:3 track ever!! Thank you for sharing. Beautiful....
  • Shytan
    Thanx once again, folks...
  • th0ke
    Very good ... not THAT different from your other stuff imo ... but, again, really beautiful.
  • krokpitr
    Lovely, really atmospheric and beautiful tune! Shytan, have you ever heard that, you are a MUSICIAN? Just a question. How many ours did you spend on composing? Bye, _krokpitr
  • Shytan
    To Krokpitr: no, I'm not a musician in the full sense of this word... And the period of time spent is stated in the SongInfo...
  • krokpitr
    Oops, yes I see, thanks! "I'm not a musician" - But, while you can interpret your feelings into sounds that's music, you are a musician, I think (okay, I'm just a lamer but this is my opinion). And your music speaks to my soul. Nice work, really!
  • nool
    stellar! great harmonies, fx, buzzcontrol, and machine usage - sparkling results for a tpb of 3 ... shytan got them skills
  • razornaut
    Reminicent of Mike Oldfield's Songs of a Distant Earth. Very soothing. Nicely done.
  • poppz__tar
    big. powerfully smooth.
  • sixafterseven