Verticale Part III

Release date
Here tracked some sort of conclusion to my "Verticales" series... Part Three to your attention.. As always a rather ambient intro, some rhythmic moments in the middle, and a quiet ending, repeating the intro... Poorly mixed, gotta admit.. Used a lot of VST gear this time, so sorry for not uploading the source... The track is 10:00 but please listen till the end...
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
6.4 MB
Downloaded / played
779 times
11 times
9.3 (3 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial (by-nc)

See also
Latest ambient tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Excellent as usual Intro is cool, not too long, well for my taste. I liked a lot the rythmic part, it has an eastern europe touch, difficult to define why but well, this is what I feel. The song is very well builded, I always found this inspirating with your music. I give you 9 coz yes, the sound is a little bit muddy Thanks!!!
  • Definitely one of your best, really!!! Every harmony tells a new story, magic, great! More!!
  • very well done, although it is not really my cup of caffeine ... it reminds me a lot of a german electronic band formed in the late 60ies called -Tangerine Dream-
  • Thanks for comments, folks... To thOke: feel free to use those quotes, it all works now (just noticed how you wrote "Tangerine Dream")...
  • guiTmic
    a very good relaxing song ideal to be flying with an enormous joint ...
  • yes! pure seventies german electro, i have some vinhyl of the famous amon dûll, tangerine can and some other one but i think mushroom have eat them now! very good work!
  • moving ahead of the pack.. lovely work... worth the 10 minutes of my life...
  • btw... music like this is my favorite style... sweetness
  • Thanks for all the comments... German electro? hm.. I should listen to those groups some day, 'cause the only German electric band I know is Kraftwerk.
  • Just wanted to let you know I put this track on a playlist for my dinner party and everyone enjoyed this song immensely... excellent work.. Thought I would share that with you.