VSTi jam

Release date
Haven't buzzed for a while. Here's a simple 2min snippet without too much work on it. Sorry for the solo - got out rather blurred by the reverbs and filtaz.
Have fun.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.7 MB
Downloaded / played
662 times
14 times
9 (5 votes)

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This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

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  • There is an energy! It is felt that you in action, man . Thats goood snippet
  • mag
    Yo! I like it!! Very good song, capture your attention immediately. Which vsti did you use here ?
  • Shytan
    Ninja, Chimera. iloSynth1
  • buzztler
    As an old and doddery buzzer i like the solo and the whole track of course . Didn't expect a VSTi track from you ... 'cause you still are the "master of buzz gears" to me. (So sad we can't load your older tracks ... )
  • I don't like the sound of the synth at the start of the track, sounds too nervous, later the lopass filter makes this sound better. The solo is very nice although it kinda drowns in the reverbs. Then the synth of the start starts sounding like a guitar and that's very nice. That's where this track is most beautiful and this track has a nice space feeling, which I often find in your tracks. Good work
  • I love that reberb in the solo... thats the classic shytan trademark.
  • It might fit in a game. I'm not sure if that could be a racing game but nothing is impossible. Nice work. I am now trying to download Ninja (since I already have the other synths).
  • Who needs FLStudio? (I wonder how many professional music composers use Buzz)
  • el loco
    very well done but you can certainly do better
  • BHS
    The Shytan style is unique! You manage and use reverb and delay like drinking a glass of water. Amazing as always. I share the comments of vacuum: the timbre of the synth at the start of track is interesting but for me after a while it is a bit irritating. For example at 00:22 , with entry of percussion, you can smooth this sound with a low pass filter and lowering a bit the volume , in this way all other instruments will grow up a bit more. But , hey this is only a snippet by Shytan, let give him more time and Shytan will generate another astonishing track. Good ... and glad to listen to you again .
  • i really dig the bassline and kick... the synth seems a tad thin for my tastes (maybe too much compression?), but overall i would give it a 9.5, great work!
  • Thnx folks. As I said in the comment, there wasn't too much work there. The "irritating" synth (in fact I have to agree it really is ) is one of the standard presets of the Ninja VST synth. Really sounds better when filtered.
  • buzztler
    Btw, interesting that the good old Ninja has a so called "BuzzerSolo" preset ...
  • Shytan
    Hmm. I really didn't even notice that