You Name It

Release date
This is a snippet piece. With som vocals... Will hang in the downloads for a week. Plz tell me what you think, should I continue it?
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
2.1 MB
Downloaded / played
713 times
12 times
8.3 (6 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • exl
    Hi Shytan, I like your track but I was first surprised by the entering of your 'keyboard'. may suggest a faster attack and maybe chord like sound... Keep on it !
  • magmavander
    Yeah!! Great song, I like it. Cool to hear you using ePiano As usual, excellent bass synth and drums (I liked the subtle flanger on it). Maybe you should eq the ePiano, sometimes high freqs clashes. And of course you should continue it!!!! Keep on'
  • I humbly suggest a title : Fat Buzz Slim
  • i likte this peace too, sounds like allan parson project, the vocal here is great, yes work on it and make it longer
  • vaisnava
    Shytan, your my hero... I really like your stuff. This one as well.
  • Thanks for feedbacks.
  • well done (as always ) i am not that much into these early-electronica-like pieces (alan parsons, klaus schulze, tangerine dream etc) ... but i enjoy listening to it when it's made with BUZZ
  • BTW ... this 'flammed' echo on the epiano is very cool !!
  • Very good stuff, Shytan! As always
  • Nice stuff, should be finished
  • Very nice clean sound, I like it. You should continue it!
  • [anonymous]
    Good work, but too shorte.