Theme (original by Shytan)

Release date
Progressive Trance
Took original bmx and added signature sixafterseven effects like goa slicer with ninja delay and changed the tpb to 4.

I also changed the synthesis on primi .. the added effects might be useful if you wanted to turn this into a melodic or progerssive trance song.

All credits go to Shytan as he composed the melody.
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
857.1 KB
Downloaded / played
1265 times
3 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest progressive trance tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Cool remix. Sounds like etheral mandolines Great work 7/6
  • ..hello guys.., this one is really great i think... all around cool buzz programmers here ! my tip for this tune is: use for the vst: 4front piano -> augur (preset 7th) hears relly great... and you can here the good old scaldor again... enjoy it ! augur vst:
  • I took your suggestion pete_1972 and updated the vst. and re-routed it through a spread effect as well. When I remixed this I actually didn't have 4front up so the song was remixed without any vst. So I wanted to thank you for bringing it to my attention. It does sound much better. I will reupload it for anyone interested in the complete remix of this magnificent shytan original. Thanks magmavander your work is an inspiration to me. I hope to one day have the ability to write such great jazz tracks as you.