From Blue To Black

Release date
Again quite minimalistic, but this time less syncopated and warmer
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
7.9 MB
Downloaded / played
1447 times
8 times
8.5 (2 votes)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

Remixes based on this track:
See also
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  • Very cool, the bottom end has got something dirty like they had back then " "I'll be your Friend until the end". and the reso reminds me of Age of Love.

    its a bad puppy @ beat.

    I am so badly going to remix this.
  • Small question, that crowd sample in there (at least i think its a crowd), has some distorted harmonics, did you use FFT 4096pt subtraction on that sample?
  • yes sir! I recorded it at my favourite café and ran some 4096 pottwal over it. why do you ask?
  • I was just wondering if I heard correctly.
  • haha I love that exercise - figure out what it is and how it was done. been doing that a while now and getting nice inspirations!

    what did you mean btw with 'its a bad puppy @ beat'?

  • That's its viscious yet playfull @ beat something like that.
  • I get a sort of organic liquid vibe from this.  I like it.  Its hard to imagine an electronic swamp but I think one might sound something like this. =)
  • This is really excellent, very inspired A kind of meditative house music, an electronic mantra. Clearly interesting atmosphere. Great!