- Release date
- Author
- Genre
- House
- Description
- I made it some time ago and it sounded very very crappy, but I loved those main theme and decided to remake it. First ver. used ZR3 VST'i - I replace it by Rectal Anarchy. Also I have completely change the middle of this song and did some EQ'ing and mixing... I think I've uploaded original ver. to old buzzmusic..hmm..I have different nickname there .
To listen this you'll need VST'i CheezeMachine..and one more thing: sometimes padsynth doesn't play, it happens very very rarely but it does. so if it happen to you just resrart buzz and play it again. hope you'll like it..and I want comments!..and remixes .
- Format
- Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
- File size
- 39.6 KB
- Downloaded / played
690 times
- Commented
- Rating
(2 votes)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)
- See also
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