Into Jue Jam 02 (original by Shrimann Pattern Man)

Release date
Swami singhji
Real title : Into JUNE Jam 02... ...just added some notes of my guitar...
Buzz module (BMX/BMW)
File size
4.2 MB
Downloaded / played
1264 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

Remixes based on this track: This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Woohoo !! Great atmospheric guitar sounds - a little bit like using an e-bow effect ... but it isn't, is it ?? Anyway, very inspiring !! Without the M4wII2 it sounds even better. I will try to work on a new version with a better mix soon (no time today though). Thanks, Guru !
  • Thanks a lot Patman !!...well I used in this one a preset with in particular a filter which reduces the speed of attack of the sound resulting in a violin playing style fact, I bought only two days ago a new DSP hardware for guitar (better than my old defective "Zoom" about which I already spoke to you) and I tested it for the first time just for testing, I don't control it yet completely (many tweaking to be made, and then the effect parameters are numerous) I really hope that you make a new version !, ...I can't await !! Btw: don't hesitate to handle the samples of guitar as you can do it very well, to change arrangement,..and so on.Thanks in advance Patman !