Out Of The Room - mp3 (original by magmavander)
- Release date
- Author
- Genre
- Acid Jazz
- Description
- this is my best shot at taking on some magmavander acid jazz. it was an interesting experience
i learned quite a bit, i'm not quite happy with the way it turned out but i do like the mda piano solo breakdown after the rock drums. (^_^)
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 3.4 MB
- Downloaded / played
1325 times
- Commented
4 times
- Rating
(1 vote)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)
- Collaboration
Remixes based on this track:
This track is the remix of:
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Latest acid jazz tracks on BuzzTunes:
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For further enhancements try to put more variations on volume,pitch and beat position to the hi-hats and to the cymbals ride cup.
In this way you can minimize the "gun shot" effects (same sample repeated exactly in the same way for many seconds).
Another way is using virtual channels on the sample player (like matilde tracker) or using more tracks for the same sample.
(Sorry if i am suggesting thing that you know well).
Yeah A remix! I enjoyed the drums break when it turns into 4*4 groove at around 00'53". A lot of interesting details, excellent use of delay, great rebuild and arrangements. Thanks! Would be cool if someone now remixes this remix.