Registration date
Real name
Peter Silieski
Poland, Warszawa
HP PC, Buzz, freeware plugs, real instruments
Latest uploads by TAOKAB
Uploaded tracks: 14 | Posted comments: 17 | Registered votes: 8
Uploads: 14 | Comments: 17 | Votes: 8

Music by TAOKAB

  • 2012-09-10
    Rehumanize The System by TAOKAB 
    [Jazz] [OGG/MP3]
    [7.3 MB]
    [rating: 5/1] [hits: 349]

    7.3 MB

    [rating: 5/1] [hits: 349]
  • 2010-04-25
    Hey Young Lady, How Much Is It? by TAOKAB 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.0 MB]
    [rating: 0.5/2] [comments: 6] [hits: 436]

    4.0 MB

    [rating: 0.5/2] [comments: 6] [hits: 436]
  • 2010-04-09
    Mandolin Dream by TAOKAB 
    [Crossover] [OGG/MP3]
    [2.7 MB]
    [rating: 10/2] [comments: 5] [hits: 580]

    2.7 MB

    [rating: 10/2] [comments: 5] [hits: 580]
  • 2010-04-08
    Moogy Orchestra by TAOKAB 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [2.1 MB]
    [comments: 4] [hits: 502]

    2.1 MB

    [comments: 4] [hits: 502]
  • 2010-03-04
    System Malfunction by TAOKAB 
    [Synthpop] [OGG/MP3]
    [3.1 MB]
    [comments: 5] [hits: 434]

    3.1 MB

    [comments: 5] [hits: 434]
  • 2010-02-12
    THe sTrAYcAt bLuEZ by TAOKAB 
    [Blues] [OGG/MP3]
    [1.7 MB]
    [comments: 3] [hits: 383]

    1.7 MB

    [comments: 3] [hits: 383]
  • 2010-01-07
    Buzzmanian Devils Dance (Buzz Rocks) by TAOKAB 
    [House] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.5 MB]
    [comments: 3] [hits: 441]

    4.5 MB

    [comments: 3] [hits: 441]
  • 2009-12-08
    On Top Of The Hill by TAOKAB 
    [Meditative] [OGG/MP3]
    [5.0 MB]
    [comments: 3] [hits: 509]

    5.0 MB

    [comments: 3] [hits: 509]
  • 2009-11-17
    Heavy Clouds by TAOKAB 
    [New Age] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.3 MB]
    [comments: 2] [hits: 431]

    4.3 MB

    [comments: 2] [hits: 431]
  • 2009-10-13
    Autumn Blue (nostalgic gramophone mix) by TAOKAB 
    [Blues] [OGG/MP3]
    [1.3 MB]
    [comments: 4] [hits: 455]

    1.3 MB

    [comments: 4] [hits: 455]
  • 2009-09-23
    Horizon Final Mix by TAOKAB 
    [Rock & Pop] [OGG/MP3]
    [3.5 MB]
    [comments: 5] [hits: 435]

    3.5 MB

    [comments: 5] [hits: 435]
  • 2009-08-17
    Taokab - mixxxad - egotrip - simplebreakbeatloop… by TAOKAB 
    [Experimental] [OGG/MP3]
    [2.3 MB]
    [hits: 1154]

    2.3 MB

    [hits: 1154]
  • 2009-08-17
    Simple breakbeat loop (original by egotrip) (original… by TAOKAB 
    [Experimental] [Buzz]
    [3.6 KB]
    [comments: 6] [hits: 1107]

    3.6 KB

    [comments: 6] [hits: 1107]
  • 2009-07-15
    SpaceNight by TAOKAB 
    [Electronica] [OGG/MP3]
    [4.5 MB]
    [comments: 9] [hits: 521]

    4.5 MB

    [comments: 9] [hits: 521]