On Top Of The Hill

Release date
Another quite track with some stormy wind sounds and some interesting instruments (hope so ). Used some sf, vst including dsk drums and some buzzmachines, all free stuff.

Some early "season greetings" to all and some special greetings to the Hamster (what's up, waiting for a new track by you) and Hirogenium.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
5.0 MB
Downloaded / played
509 times
3 times

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

See also
Latest meditative tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Sixafterseven
    Is that omega? Nice mellow feel. I wish I could write more music like this.
  • mag
    Yeah, really 'zen' What a wonderful travel I made. Ganja Track
  • Thank you both. Late I'm back from holidays. @6after7: I used a whole bunch of VSTi, but I didn't use any machine called omega. I know some peple here, including u are composing some great meditative stuff here. I just wanted to create some slightly asian thingy. @magmavander: Yes, sometimes I need some recreation and buzz is a way to get it. Sometimes one has to spred his wings and take a little journey. I'm happy that you enjoyed the journey. @ Hamster and Hirogenium: I wanted to great you both I don't expect a joint venture made by you, but perhaps not a bad idea too.