Aha (MP3) (original by thOke)

Release date
Temporalsounds & thOke
thanks to thOke
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
8.1 MB
Downloaded / played
382 times
10 times
10 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
Latest ska tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • Huuh, give me a cool drink. I am melting here in the heat. ... Just listened to thOke's version. Nice new fusion, more funky flavour now imho. Keeps me tuned an curious while listening. Bass is cool. Did you change the bass sound?
  • Thanks HF.You are right.I experimented with waves plugins a bit and put some EQ to master chain.I would like to upload BMX,but I played some ambient synths(Pastoral Tones Light) on M-AUDIO keyboard in real time during recording WAV file.image of master chain https://ibb.co/RYDTNts
  • I'm not sure, if I'm doing this correct,I should  have studied music studio mastering school ,not electrotechnic  hahahaha Aha
  • If you mean the effect order, I follow the rules, too. But many say: what sounds good is the right way! An hour ago or so I watched this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X6ihuMevfI&feature=emb_rel_end. Well, watching this I am not convinced about all that mess and beautiful colours , but I am learning. 
  • Yeah,I know that guy from YT.Thanks
  • Perhaps we can discuss in the forum such things if you want? I think there is already a threat for mixing/mastering etc .
  • Of course we can.I was browsing a bit on forum,but not sure which one is that right... If you can navigate me .. Thank you HF.
  • Perhaps this one but we can start a new one, too https://forums.jeskola.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2469&p=13596&hilit=mixing#p13596
  • Honestly, i was quickly annoyed with that "aha" sample in my file, but i really like your keyboard additions and the slow groove.
  • I'm glade you like it.Thx.I guess, I didn't change it to another genre too much from Ska with that slow groove? thanks