Clouddrum (rmx)- MP3 (original by HerrFornit)

Release date
Temporalsounds & HerrFornit
Don't know if there was vocal included in bmx file, so I selected one of my  slate digital library I founded. I hope, that I didn't destroy it too much! If you don't like vocals I can upload instrumental version...Nice drums HerrFornit indeed, good stuff!
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
6.0 MB
Downloaded / played
421 times
6 times
10 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)

This track is the remix of:
See also
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  • Thanx, happy you like it. Hey, one download of the BMX and one remix, good ratio! That's a real powerful remix man, what a pressure in the drums now, what have you improved?  good remixing, really psychedlic I would say
  • Thanks HF !What I improved...I keep your good setup original, just  in last mixIO (Mix Instrument) on masterchain, I set up in 4BD channel gain to -2dB.Width in center and PAN center too. Than I used on bus chain plugin Abbey Road TG mastering from waves ,just a little gain some bands. Removed limiter ,recorded WAV for export and master in standalone app exported to mp3 file.
  • image
  • thank you very much for feedback. So you did narrow some parts of the signal an then added some MS/glue stuff in the mastering Abbey road plug-in? This is very strong, is it a preset? The room app I have seen at KVR or so, very interesting visualisation approach. I was looking for something free doing that a while ago, but there is nothing similar.
  • PS the vocal strip (Mtrk) is empty, just copied it from another setup if needed, thanx for your vocal add!
  • Hi HF,yes that "glue punch" is exactly the preset ,giving to signal "stronger" sound.But I don't use it always.Sometime it damage sound,sometime not.I mean that preset.Ah,thats good idea to have some templates with machines to have at right hand.Sorry my late responses,(nice weather these days,I was away)