Raganaus-remember me

Release date
I am back to buzz after about 4-5 years. I just had changed my nickname to "raganaus" This experimental track (recorded live) is made by pure vst instruments but... have nice listening Current version is without beat
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
5.2 MB
Downloaded / played
904 times
5 times
8 (1 vote)

License License
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Share Alike (by-sa)

See also
Latest dub tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • So welcome back! Very nice track, I don't find it so experimental, just fresh electronica... It has some Jarresque feeling.
  • Haha... Sorry I like your comment flos because of: Welcome back: Very nice track.
  • It's a good live act, nicely done. How do you proceed ? A slow but always interesting build. I hope to hear the version with the beat
  • It's experimental because I've bought m-audio midi keyboard recently and it was my first time to play live with vst instruments. BTW i did a lot mistakes playing without a beat, just with a click of metronome but i promiss, it will be better in future 1 more thing. I recorded it in 125 bpm, and slowed it to 85 to hear how it could sound. I like the result in spite of some arping innacurate. thanx for comments. I wonder if magmavander likes it (it's only ~4 minutes long
  • Of course I liked it!!