Saganomics (original by bobirov) (mp3)
- Release date
- 2013-02-16
- Author
- vacuum
- Genre
- Electronica
- Description
- mp3
- Format
- Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
- File size
- 3.9 MB
- Downloaded / played
- 1755 times
- Commented
- 3 times
- Rating
- 8 (1 vote)
This work is released under Creative Commons
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa) - Collaboration
- This track is the remix of:
- See also
- Latest electronica tracks on BuzzTunes:
- Share
The muon synth in the beginning sounds a lot cleaner. I like all the retriggered drumhits and one-shot trippy noises added in the second part. I also like the little added piano parts at the end.
Overall it has a lot more flavor than it did when I left it. You did a good job.