M31 Andromeda Gazer (Final?)

Release date
Fixed a bunch of things l Thanks to lizard I corrected some clerical things that got past me. Shortened the first part a bit and hopefully it's a little more interesting to start.
Compressed audio (OGG/MP3)
File size
4.1 MB
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9 (1 vote)

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See also
Latest trance tracks on BuzzTunes:


  • First to listen. .... I like the reverb in the beginning. It sounds a lot more clear and is nice to listen to I really like the delay effects on that first synth. At about 1:30 the transition is nice and well thought out. A lot of trance just jumps to the next sequence but there is something I really enjoy about the way you transitioned it. Since you said the leads were played live I realized they will be a little different. I think they sound more powerful and a little more on the beat. I think it is good enough for a female vocal but that is just personal taste. I like the Gerry Ceuto like ending.
  • Xaphoid
    Gerry Ceuto is a heavy influence on my style besides System F. I don't think that I'll ever get past the big Trance hits of the late 90's and eary 2000's
  • Lizard
    I haven't listen to it yet, I have to admit. But I have to say, that I am aswell really influenced by Ferry Corsten and his projects, especially Gouryella and System F. And of course by Gerry Cueto who showed how great sounding trance can be achieved with buzz!
  • well done! *saying it like in the game Earthworm Jim" Is there a local trance scene, where you live, Zaphoid?
  • Lizard
    Nope. Used to be but it died a major drug overdose. Drugs + stupid ppl = police crack-down. I'm a little too old for that whole thing anyway. I just genuinely like the style of music regardless of the fact it's meant for the club. I think it becomes something more than a dance genre when you put enough substance into it. I see it as more listening music than most ppl would think. Besides I have the club in my head and my brain waves sync to the beats hehe
  • Xaphoid
    woops I used your name. Stupid brain fart
  • BHS
    It is really Wonderful !!! Great work here, and Lizard has suggested in the right way. This track is very appealing !!! Only one little thing isn't a bit well suited for me : that wind sound for the melody at 04:15 .. it is a good idea but for my taste it needs something more. Anyway : my best compliments. If this is done all with BUZZ/BUZE, can you post a screen shot or a list of gear/stuff used ? (i know, i know, i am a bit annoying with this requests, everytime always the same !)
  • Xaphoid
    now i use your name, hehe. We have a club nearby where once the month is a pure trance-event. The music is great, but sooo less people (actually Lizard)
  • Xaphoid
    It's not annoying bhs it's just part of being in the buzz community. chimera vst (freeware) for the whistle notes at end ReaSynth JS (Reaper instrument) for the Sine melodies Rob Papens Blue Synth (Commercial VST) for the Effects Novation V-station (Commercial VST) for the Demostyle Leads Synth1 (freeware vst) for the arps IDJ 3-OSC VA (whitenoise free vsti) for the basslines Infector for the Pad sweeps Rout 909 for drums and many samples on top of that. My production methods are probably different than most ppl on buzzmusic. I track all the backing stuff like the arps and pads in buzz as well as drums and percussion in buzz and then bounce everything to Reaper for Live recording of Leads and effects. I find that Reaper is so much more flexible and stable for doing live midi recording. I can play a melody once and move it to different instruments instantly. It's something buzz just cant handle well at this point. I highly recommend buying a license if you get a chance. Reaper and buzz are like best friends.
  • Xaphoid
    Oops and and I forgot that I used Vanguard on the intro synth that plays the opening riff before the drop.
  • [anonymous]
    Cubase is my prog! It's cheap and very flexible and has a nice software compressor, but hardware comp is much nicer sometimes. Have fun!
  • Friendly Fire
    Take Pro Tools and a Mac Pro environment, analog mixer and some good monitors and install buzz only to say you work with it on buzzmusic , or simply let some good studio master your tracks
  • Xaphoid
    Sounds like a lot of money I don't have
  • almark
    Zaphiod, you are right entirly, I have been using buzz since 2005, I love it, there is nothing that buzz can't do I use Reaper with buzz, I love it, they get along well, the midi recording in reaper is just amazing for buzz. Great song you made 100% , wonder what you used to for mastering.
  • Almark
    Oh, and one more thing, do you use the msync P Dooms Hack, its buggy but you can make it work if you delete the thing, it gets the midi sync back, do you do that?
  • SOrry about late comments. I wish buzzmusic had a way of alerting me to new posts. anyway I use reaper and audacity for final post mastering. I don't use P Dooms Hack.