Site updates
Hello, everyone!
Time for some updates on BuzzTunes. Not much this time, but still... First off, a facebook entry has been added to all user profiles, so, if you happen to have a facebook account, feel free to make it known to the public. Secondly, a standard facebook "Like" button will now appear on every tune's page making it possible to "spread the word" amongst your facebook friends. And finally, remix notifications. Nothing fancy about it — every time someone uploads a remix to one of your tunes, you get an email notification. Like the rest of 'em, these notification can be disabled in your user's profile.
And, as always, if you spot any bugs, come up with useful suggestions
or suddenly have a bright idea, you know where to find me
Update: added Google's +1 button next to facebook 'like'. Please test.
Update2: added player behavior to preferences as suggested by Mantratronic.
Update3: added player to mixed podcasts.
Submitted by Shytan
If it's not possible to save this switch (loop on/off) in the personal profile, it would be nice to get it directly on the player , or maybe also like the "music list filter"; in this way you can set on/off the "loop mode" every time you connect to buzztunes site. (sorry for my baby english !!!).
Paolo BHS.