BuzzTunes mixed podcast (December 2014)
Warmest greetings to all you buzzers out there! The year 2014 is coming to its end. Hope the next one will be happier and more peaceful... In the meantime, here's a new podmix for you. Big thanks go to Xaphoid.
- Droning 153 by Louigi Verona
- Chimera (intro) by Shytan
- Melloo Tronic by vacuum
- Queen of the Crows feat. CiggiBurns by vacuum
- Hypnotize by DeeKyoo
- On The Other Side by AniCator
- Nebulas (Special Winter Solstice Track 2014) by Xaphoid
- Project Archive by kalder
- Chillaut by djsanc
- Cosmic Rain by MirOn
- Da Big Double Bass by vacuum
- Illusion by Sjef van Leeuwen
- Sakura by qfactor (Evenchords)
PS. Happy New Year, folks
Submitted by Shytan